A message from our Chairman
Even if we don’t sail it still costs nearly £4,000 a year to run the scheme; over half our costs are insurance. All this money we have to raise ourselves. In April, to help raise funds, we signed up to be part of the Havant Borough Lottery. A ticket for the Havant Borough Community Lottery costs £1 per week and 50p goes directly to good causes! If you sign up to support HYSTS we get 50p of that £1.

Question: If my good cause gets 50p per entry, where does the other 50p go?

Answer: 10p is used to support other good causes within Havant Borough, 20p goes to prizes and the remaining 20p is for administration of the lottery and VAT.

When you play the Havant Borough Community Lottery you know that 60% of your ticket price goes to good causes (more than double what the National Lottery gives) and the money raised is going to good causes that benefit the local community.

Many of us have signed up; averaging out over a year it costs just £4.54 per month, that’s two cups of coffee. Please support us by following the link above to the Havant Borough Lottery, ensuring that you have selected HYSTS as your chosen charity – and Good Luck!

Thank you. Geoff Lynch Chairman HYSTS

Copyright Tom Worman 2011
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